With the arrival of summer, sun and heat are the order of the day, for that reason we have to pay special attention to the care of our pets. Animals have the same sensitivity to heat as humans, being prone to heat shock, irritation and dehydration. Having very limited sweating ability, they have more problems regulating their body temperature.
For that reason it is very important that on the hottest days we take a series of measures so that our companion animals do not suffer the rigors of heat and adapt normally to the change of season.
Recommendations to care for our pet in summer.
Avoid places that are not ventilated do not leave them inside the car, even if you leave the windows open, as they do not perspire, the temperature increases in a short time, which can cause a heat stroke that can be fatal. Do not takeyour pet out for a walk in the hours with the highest index of solar radiation-between 11 noon and 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Do not take your pet out after having eaten either. If you can not avoid it, do it in shaded areas. In the summer months, cut your pet’s hair. Do not cut too much, the hair protects it as it acts as sunscreen. As for humans, water is essential for our pets. Always have fresh, clean water at your fingertips, never leave your drinking fountain in the sun. You must also follow a balanced diet, for example; your usual feed and as a dessert some pieces of fresh fruit, a controlled diet will prevent diarrhea and vomiting that would cause serious dehydration. It is very important that we check their legs, since cement, sand, and other surfaces are hot so the pads of their legs can be damaged as they are very sensitive, so it is advisable not to leave in the hours of maximum heat, to avoid burning If you have to travel, do a check on your veterinarian, he will advise you how to do it in the best conditions: transport cages, tranquilizers, etc. Symptoms of a heat stroke.
If despite all precautions our pet suffers a heat stroke, we must be aware, know their symptoms and act accordingly. The obvious signs are: excessive panting, loss of consciousness, tongue, nose and dry skin.